IPLAN, as an engineering company, has reached a high level of positioning, both in the energy sector and in the infrastructures sector, maintaining a relationship of trust with large clients and [...]
IPLAN, as an engineering company, has reached a high level of positioning, both in the energy sector and in the infrastructures sector, maintaining a relationship of trust with large clients and [...]
We appreciate the trust that BIMSA has placed in us for the Construction Management of the urban renewal project on Binèfar Street, Barcelona (Catalonia). We have carried out a [...]
In any type of work, employees are exposed daily to various factors that can affect their health, both physically and psychologically, being detrimental to their well-being. Safety and health at [...]
Lately, the concept of sustainable development and climate emergency are very present in our daily lives, and at Iplan we constantly promote this culture. This situation is due to the great need [...]
Collaborating with the Catalan Water Agency, our team has provided technical assistance for the expropriation process of goods and rights affected by the construction project for the connection [...]
In line with our Corporate Social Responsibility model to positively impact our planet and society, we have collaborated on the drafting of a project for a safe paths itinerary in Torroella de [...]
What is the Corporate Social Responsibility policy of a company? Every activity carried out by a company influences its surroundings. To this end, companies like ours follow a philosophy based on [...]
Our Civil Works department has participated in the formation of a notch in the weirs of the Fluvià River in Orfes, Catalonia, with the aim of controlling the release of maintenance flows [...]
AFR-IX telecom inaugurated Sant Adrià del Besòs as the headquarters of the Barcelona Cable Landing Station, the first international submarine cable landing station in Catalonia, [...]
Sports not only provide us with physical well-being, but also mental well-being. It is beneficial for our health and for improving our external relationships, even in the workplace. At Iplan, we [...]
We are sharing the new temperature limits for enclosed spaces that have been established for each workstation in accordance with the new energy-saving law. This law came into effect last August [...]
We are sharing the new temperature limits for enclosed spaces that have been established for each workstation in accordance with the new energy-saving law. This law came into effect last August [...]
The Plan for the Development of the Electricity Transmission Network 2021-2026 includes the replacement of the conductor of the 220 kV line from Almaraz CN – Trujillo (47.11 km long) and [...]
Con el objetivo de alcanzar las metas de la Agenda 2030, alineamos nuestras actuaciones con 4 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.
In a climate emergency situation where the use of renewable energies is essential, new ways of generating fuel must be sought. Hydrogen is the most abundant chemical element on our planet, being [...]
In Iplan we are collaborating from our Legalisation Engineering department with the technical-legal assistance of the imposition of an aqueduct easement within the project consisting of the [...]
We remain involved in ensuring good work under control in the Civil Works Sector, with the purpose of guaranteeing a quality service based on the safety and health of the worker.
At Iplan, we are committed to working towards fulfilling our core responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, based on the 10 Principles of the Global [...]
At Iplan we remain committed to the culture of privacy and personal data protection, based on our Internal Data Protection and Privacy Policy and the current legal regulations.
Within the District Maintenance Plans of the Barcelona City Council, Iplan has been awarded for the Health and Safety Coordination Services.
Iplan has participated in the maintenance of the MAS FIGUERES Electrical Substation thanks to the collaboration with the COMSA group.
The Executive Council of the Government of the Generalitat approved on May 4th the approach of the Territorial Sectorial Plan for the planning and implementation of renewable energies in Catalonia.
Knowing and learning how to manage the company's "Self-protection Plan" is essential for the safety of our staff in the event of fire.
On June 20th, Red Eléctrica published the new electrical access capacities in accordance with the Electricity Planning with a 2026 horizon.
At Iplan we carry out the environmental impact assessment, according to the current methodology and following the guidelines of MITECO, for "Red Eléctrica Española" (REE) grid.
IPLAN has been awarded a new contract with IBERDROLA, for the development of engineering services for the installation of charging points in Catalonia, Aragon and Balearic Islands.
The construction of a new bridge over the Tenes river will improve the communication between the municipality of Lliçà d'Amunt (Barcelona)
We are pleased to announce the commissioning of the electrical substation at Messer Ibérica de Gases last April.
oyal Decree-Law 6/2022, of March 29, which adopts urgent measures within the framework of the National Plan to respond to the economic and social consequences of the war in Ukraine, was published [...]
Within the new "Cuide'm BCN" plan promoted by the Barcelona City Council there have been changes in the city's cleaning contract and the current containers have been replaced by new ones that [...]