The Plan for the Development of the Electricity Transmission Network 2021-2026 includes the replacement of the conductor of the 220 kV line from Almaraz CN – Trujillo (47.11 km long) and the 220 kV line from Merida – Trujillo (75.95 km long) to reinforce the existing network to enable the integration of renewable energy production in the area.

The replacement of the conductor involves an increase in the maximum operating temperature, allowing for an increase in transport capacity. However, this increase in maximum temperature will require the elevation of the conductors by increasing the height of the supports that form part of the affected spans, because in certain cases, with the increased capacity of the line, the minimum regulatory distances to the ground and the existing services under the line are not met.

What is the Natura 2000 Network?

The Natura network is the European ecological network composed of protected areas aimed at conserving biodiversity. Created in 1992, it currently consists of more than 27,000 protected areas in Europe, both terrestrial and marine, and covers a wide variety of ecosystems and endangered species.

It consists of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) established in accordance with the Habitat Directive and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) designated under the EU Birds Directive.

Each Natura 2000 space has an official record that lists the species and/or habitats that motivate the protection of the natural area.

Therefore, and depending on the nature of the protection figure (SAC or SPA, or both), the potential impact of the project on these protected values is analysed.

Environmental Study

At Iplan, we have conducted an evaluation study of the Natura 2000 Network, following the Methodological Guide for the Evaluation of Environmental Impact in Natura 2000 areas – MITECO, of the actions to replace the conductor of the 220 kV “Almaraz CN – Trujillo” and 220 kV “Merida-Trujillo” lines, carrying out the following work:

  • Information about the project
  • Information about Natura 2000 sites
  • Identification, analysis, and assessment of impacts
  • Preventive and corrective measures
  • Overall analysis of impacts on the Natura 2000 Network
  • Main alternatives considered
  • Monitoring and surveillance program

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